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Exciting news! is now administered and supported by The International Association of Forensic Toxicologists (TIAFT) !

- The HighResNPS February 2025 libraries are ready to be downloaded from The HighResNPS consensus libraries are available in the following formats:
  • Agilent MassHunter (.cdb)
  • Sciex (.lbp, .sdf)
  • Bruker TASQ (.csv) & DataAnalysis (.csv)
  • Waters UNIFI (.ulc)
  • Thermo TraceFinder (.cdb) & mzVault (.msp)
  • Shimadzu (.csv)
  • Progenesis QI (.sdf + .msp)
  • Excel (.xlsx)

The libraries contain 2,373 compounds , of which, 1,751 have product ion data.

- You can now receive the HighResNPS database with predicted retention times specific to your LC method. That’s retention times for over 2,300 compounds!

- The main page of HighResNPS now contains the consensus data for all unique compounds. You can also view the consensus ("artificial") spectrum for compounds that have product ions recorded.

- Use Google Chrome for HighResNPS
Did you know...
- We will never agree on the NPS name, the SMILES string or the IUPAC name, but we can always agree on the InChIKey

- Duplicate NPS entries are welcome on HighResNPS. They help to self-validate the database and are used to make the “Consensus and unique” library. Ideally there should be 3 or more entries on each NPS.

- The webpage can be very helpful for generating InChIKeys and SMILES
HighResNPS is a crowd-sourced mass spectral database for HR-MS screening of New Psychoactive Substances (NPS).

The database can be used for direct searches on compound names and exact mass of precursor and/or product ions.
Also, the database can be downloaded and converted to a suspect library for:
  • Agilent QTOF MS
  • Bruker QTOF MS
  • Waters QTOF MS
  • Sciex QTOF MS
  • Thermo Orbitrap MS
  • Shimadzu QTOF MS currently contains more than 7,900 entries (where more than 2,300 entries are unique). is only intended for a closed user group and not open to the general public.